Tuesday, 6 January 2015

5 Innovative Ways to Bring Happiness in Your Life

There are times when you feel low and unhappy. Recent studies have shown that the people who are happy are also healthier. At Stay Young, we dedicated to keeping you stay fit & healthy. So, we have mentioned here 5 innovative ways that can help you be happy in your daily life:

Watch cute and funny programs

Laughter works wonder as it lifts your spirits up and enable you to feel happy. If you have nothing to cheer you up, get into watching your favourite comedy TV shows or films. It is sure that your favourite comedy films or shows will cheer you up. Keep it going on as laughing is good for your heart health and makes you feel light and happy.

Stay Young and Beautiful

Sing & dance

It is sure that you have your favourite songs and singing those songs makes you feel good. Just play your music system, repeat the song and dance with it. It is certain that singing your favourite song and dancing to that song will lift your inner spirits and make you feel better. Your stress or depression will go far away from you and you will be happy.

Go out

Avoid yourself staying indoors. Go to open areas on a regular basis. Go out and see a difference in yourself.... If there is a park or garden closet to you, spend some time there. Try to remain outdoors for a while and try to get sun for 15 minutes daily. Having enough vitamin D keeps you away from stress and depression.

Indulge in regular workout

Apart from certain times, you should get into daily workouts at least for 30 minutes. There is a sweat in your body while working out. It releases chemicals in your brain. These chemicals are “feel good” one called as endorphins. The release of these chemicals makes you feel good. And when you feel good, you are happy.

Give a massage to your body

A one hour long massage whether it is full body massage or a half one removes stress from you and makes you feel relaxed. So, select a hygienic place and get indulged in having a nice & gentle massage.

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